
Week 27:

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, ... Can you say them all? Check out the activities page for more.

Pray Without Ceasing

Week 26:

How do we grow as Christians? Another important way is to remember to pray. Check out the activities page for more.

Verse Seeds

Week 25:

How do we grow as Christians? One important way is to remember what we learned in the Bible. Check out the activities page for more.

Easter Eggs

Week 24:

Happy Easter! At Easter we remember how Jesus, who was killed, is now alive! Check out the activities page for more.

Food Donation

Week 23:

Paul was a prisoner with Silas. Many surprising things happened as they sat there singing in their jail cell. Learn more about it in the activities page.

Snakes and Ladders

Week 22:

Paul was a prisoner and shipwrecked with all of the Roman sailors and all of the other prisoners. He may have been saved from drowning in the sea, but would he escape death when bitten by a deadly snake? Learn more at the activities page.

Things on a Sheet

Week 21:

Peter was challenged to go to a Roman household and tell them about Jesus. Peter obeyed and help Cornelius and those with him to believe. Learn more at the activities page.

Placing Philip Beside the Chariot

Week 20:

Philip was excited about knowing Jesus. So, God used him to share what he knew with a man from Ethiopia who also wanted to know Jesus. Isn't that exciting how God can use us to do good things! Learn more at the activities page.

A Centurion

Week 19:

A certain centurion knew that Jesus could heal just by saying the word. Even though that man was a Roman army officer, he had a lot of faith in Jesus! He did not even have to see Jesus heal his servant! Find out more in the activities page.

The Fiery Furnace

Week 18:

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego could not obey king Nebuchadnezzar even when the king threatened to throw them into a super-hot fire! That's just how it is. God is BIG and Nebuchadnezzar is ... well, only a little big. Actually, they knew that Nebuchadnezzar is very small compared to the true God who created everything. Who should those men obey? Find out more in the activities page.

Dipping Paper

Week 17:

That man, Naaman, may have been powerful, but all his power could not cure leprosy. He had to swallow his pride to follow the instructions from God! So, what did he discover after his little dip? Check out more in the activities page.

Flat Bread

Week 16:

What do feet and flatbread have to do with each other? In this week's Bible story we learned that Elijah used his feet to take a message of good news to tell a widow in another country about God. She trusted Elijah's words, and God provided her with flour and oil to make flatbread for three years! Check out more at the activities page.


Week 15:

Our verse this week says that we should hide God's words in our hearts. Why do we do that? Here hide means treasure. We treasure God's Word because we know that God will never lie to us! In our story, Rahab believed that God was leading the Israelites into the place where she lived. Others around her did not believe God. That's why she helped the Israelite spies. Check out more in the activities page.

Paper Stars

Week 14:

God told Abraham that the number of his descendants would be more than the stars in the sky! (The word descendants is a person's children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren, ... on and on and on.) If you live in the country, on a clear night you can see a lot of stars in the sky. The Bible says that if we follow Jesus, we can be called one of Abraham's descendants too! So, shine like stars! See more about it at the activities page.

Paper Christmas Tree

Week 13:

The first Christmas was so exciting! God said for thousands of years that a Savior would come. At Christmas, angels gave the announcement: "HE HAS COME! ... And He is a baby!" Check out the activities page for more.

Snowflake Picture

Week 12:

Snowflakes are really pretty. Who knows when it will snow next? We just have to wait. People had to wait for Jesus too. God told people about Jesus many years before he was born ... but they had to wait. The story today was about the birth of John who was the last person God sent to tell about Jesus coming. Check out more at the activities page.


Week 11:

Wednesday was on Zoom. We learned about ten guys that Jesus healed. But only one came back to thank Jesus! May we learn to say thanks! Here is an activities page to learn more.

Tiles Spell Mercy

Week 10:

Last Wednesday we learned how Jesus showed mercy to that woman who knew that she had done wrong. God always wants to show mercy. Check out the activities page.

Stuffed Animals

Week 9:

Last Wednesday we learned that Jesus welcomes kids. That means Jesus is happy for you to jump right up and pray to Him about anything that you are thinking. He is kind. Check out the activities page and be sure to play the game packing a shoebox.

Heart on Bookmark

Week 8:

Last Wednesday we learned how God was faithful to both Simeon and Anna. Check out the God is Faithful activities.

Good Things Coin Toss

Week 7:

Last Wednesday we learned about Jesus feeding lots of people with just a little bread and a few fish. God gives good things because God is good. Check out the God is Good activities page.

Stained Glass Craft

Week 6:

Last Wednesday we learned about Jesus healing a blind man. Sometimes we are blind too when it is hard to know what is right. Take a look at the "God is Light" activities to remember what we learned.

Hearts Craft

Week 5:

Last Wednesday we learned that God loves us very much! Take a look at this activities page to remember what we did.

Which powder is alive?

Week 4:

The theme for this night was that GOD BRINGS LIFE!  Wow! Jesus is FULL of LIFE and He GIVES life. What's it like to be alive? Take a look at this activities page and think about it!

Guess The Popcorn

Week 3:

The theme for this night was that God knows EVERYTHING! That is good to know! Take a look at these activities!

Puppy Found

Week 2:

The theme for this night was that God is EVERYWHERE! ... . Check out the activities page!

Sunken Boats

Week 1:

The theme for this night was that God is BIG! Jesus calmed the storm, and so their boat did not sink like ours did. Check out the activities page!

Hillcrest GROW is an outreach of Hillcrest Evangelical Free Church, Seward NE